Friday, April 23, 2010

Good Evening!

Hello my wonderful not blog peoples. Seriously, I wouldn't even care if no one read this blog ever. Its the fact that I get to go back and read my crazy thoughts and smile. That's what I just did now. I read all like, five of my posts that I've penned and I felt a little proud of me. I enjoy the way I write (almost as much as I enjoy being a narcissist apparently...) and its also real fun to vent without really venting...If you know what I mean...which you probably don't...

Hai my crazy little munchkins! I've been writing random "deep" lyrics for some reason. I think I've lost my poem edge. I miss my weird, disjointed way of writing poems, and I want to write more soon! I wrote a poem called Matt the Bunny, and I think it might be my best work yet. I don't want to post it anywhere because I want to turn it into a faux-childrens book. Its a faux one because it involves genocide, bazookas, and crazy evil bunnies. I enjoy it greatly and I want to revise it with someone but I don't know who! I don't have a lot of writer friends, but I do have my amazing Girlfriend who is a writer extraordinaire! I'll probably read her the poem when I see her tomorrow. I'm so awesome sometimes, it makes me laugh! (I'm tellin' ya. Narcissism ftw.)

Hey, my wonderful Popdoodles! Speaking of awesome things, my Gay News segment is turning out to be a good decision. I'm getting a lot of people's opinions and I can feel myself become a better impartial journalist. That's something I'll need for when I take Journalism Tech next year. But anyway, Gay News might have the potential to establish its own community. I've invited people to become more involved by sending in news articles and even video responses! I'm super worried about video responses because I don't want bad people to come on and report, but then be suckish about that. But I remain optimistic at the prospect of getting to sit back and edit things together instead of having to speak words all the times!

I'm currently reading John Green's Paper Towns which came out forever ago, but I never picked it up. This is my first John Green novel and certainly not my last. I find his descriptive language and inner dialogue refreshing and just complicated enough to keep me interested. Also, Margo Roth-Spiegelman has the potential to become the most fascinating woman in literature, in my opinion. (And this opinion will only be for the moment, as I haven't even finished the book yet!) John Green and his brother, Hank, are famous Youtubers and I love them dearly and admire the community they have created.

Wow, I dropped the "Hello" thing at the beginning of paragraphs, and I have just noticed that fact. Damn my non-creative brain for being a fail at life! So my brain is aching, and my eyes are burning with exhaustion (I think I used that line in a poem somewhere) so I will leave you now and stop typing. Gnight.